"Day 6 - Photo 6. This is Loring Fiske-Phillips and he is a volunteer for a phone bank making calls to voters encouraging them to vote no on California's Proposition 8. If voters pass Prop 8 on November 4th it will eliminate the right for same-sex couples to marry.
Dozens of volunteers spent hours making thousands of phone calls. Volunteers are from every walk of life and every type of relationship. In fact many of the volunteers are in heterosexual relationships and they do it because as one volunteer says, "I want my children to grow up in a world where they choose who they love. I believe in the separation of church and state. This should not be a religious issue. This should not be a political issue."
I am moved by the power of people who believe in change, of people who are willing to spend their time, physical and emotional, and of people who will stand in the face of adversity regardless of the cost. This is about simple fairness and equality. And by the way, after looking at Day 5 - Photo 5, a friend of mine told me, "stay with your family, friends and things you believe in. You told us in your very first photo that you start each day and end each day with your family. Right?" Right my friend. Right."
Looking back on this posting...prop 8 is indeed about our friends and family.