Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pilgrimage Prep

B&B rooms confirmed...check.
Camera batteries charged...check.
Final itinerary complete (as if Spirit could be scheduled!)...check (with a chuckle...)
Packed...half a check.
Completed list of things to do before jumping on the plane...not even close...
Brain and heart and soul already there...check, definitely!

I wonder if those two Irish guys in that boat had such a long and cumbersome list? (She asks rhetorically...!) Six days till LAX looms in my vision :-)

Please know that, as we embark on this first-ever Redlands UCC Thin Places Pilgrimage, we each hold each of you in our hearts, minds, and prayers. We are truly in this together!

1 comment:

Barbie Fiske-Phillips said...

"Pilgrimaging" mercies on the journey! I can't wait to see where the spirit leads!