Friday, July 9, 2010

Do I ever love these Stones???!!! We are in our final preparations for the group of pilgrims from Redlands UCC to come together in Amesbury (just 2 miles from these giant beauties!) tomorrow evening. We'll begin with prayer, orientation, and settling in to our lovely B&B--home for the next week. Trusting that lessons will be learned, insights gathered, and friendships deepened.

For free, a bit of writing from my 2008 visit here, based loosely on the popularized series "everything I need to know about life I learned from..." :-)

"Weather the storm. Pass the test of time. Be true to yourself. Retain a bit of mystery. Stand tall, or lie recumbent, as necessary. Offer a shoulder to lean upon. Create your own sustainable eco-system. Shine in the sunlight. Persevere in the rain showers. Give others something to remember. Encourage many stories, creative ideas, and imaginative theories. Welcome all creatures. Keep close to one another, with spaces in your closeness. Invite dancing, laughter, tears, ceremony, and contemplation. Keep more of yourself apparent than hidden. Let the grass grow between your toes. Protect yourself with a few trusted friends. Cast long shadows and strike memorable silhouettes. Look inward to your center and outward to the world with equal vision. View life from many angles. Outlive your detractors. Be monumental. Accept help before falling flat on your face. Be ageless. Let interesting stuff grow on you."

Ummm...did I mention that I LOVE these Stones? But not as much as I love you :-)

1 comment:

Jeri Nolfi Brown said...

words of wisdom from a wise sage!